Sunday, February 8, 2009

Keep Out

I am glad that I have a husband who on:

Monday: was REALLY sick and still came to rescue me & Choob at the Dr.'s office after two hours of trying to get a walk in appt. and Choobie coughing/snotting/crying so bad that he puked a little in the waiting room and I got multiple stink eye from parents with healthy kids. Then he helped me the rest of the day tend to our child who had DOUBLE ear infections and horrible virus.

Tuesday: went to work even though he was still REALLY sick and hadn't slept in a few days.

Thursday: after taking heavy doses of NyQuil in hopes of actually sleeping, came to rescue me from the bathroom floor after I'd been struck with food poisoning from hell ignoring my sobbing demands that I was dying and he should just let me die.

Friday: despite being sick himself continued to care for insanely cranky ear infected sick child AND his wife who was busy recreating scenes from the Bolivian McDonalds on Dan's mission. Those of you who know that story give me some sympathy NOW please.

Saturday: On top of taking care of spouse who finally stopped shooting it out both ends AND sick 2 year old who now refuses to put his own binky in his mouth, bleached BOTH BATHROOMS toilet and showers! I think he was sick of walking into a war zone every time he needed to brush his teeth.

We are all on the mend and couldn't have done it without him. We loveyousomuch Dan!


diana palmer said...

oh smokes, you win, you win you WIN. hands down. i feel naughty, yes naughty for even complaining. i'm so sorry guys, and so glad its over.

but you still made me laugh with the way you described it.

praise the dan.

Stephanie said...

It seems like you guys never get plain old sick... You guys make it count!! Glad you're on the mend :)

Melissa said...

Oh no...wait did you get sick from our lunch??? I hope not :(

Maylin said...

That's a sneaky trick you played. There has got to be an easier way to get your hubby to clean the bathroom.

Just kidding! I know there's no faking that junk. Glad you're feeling better.

Julie W said...

what is up with you guys and illness? cant you just catch a common cold, or a 12 hour stomache flu? get with it...

nice dan, i think i know what jaime might be giving you for Valentines day.