Why is it that my 1.8 year old can watch this:
and this without getting scared?
And have nightmares two nights in a row after watching this?
He wakes up hysterically crying and all we can get out of him is "crab pinch puppy tail," "
Choobie sad sad,"and "crab pinch puppy." There is a scene in Milo & Otis where the crab pinches the puppy on the tail. Otis looks JUST like Luke's stuffed animal puppy pictured below.
Puppy also happens to be Luke's BEST FRIEND in the whole universe. He does EVERYTHING with this puppy so I think it broke his little heart when he thought a crab was going to pinch his puppy on the tail. Ironically, it was really hard to find a picture of him with puppy since I am always yanking it out of the way when the camera is on. I guess we'll have to restrict him from watching feel good family films and stick to the action, gore-filled thrillers he so loves. PS~ my nightmare: that we are creating our own little monster by letting him watch all this crap at such a young age!
that is hilarious and congrats on your new job deli girl! :)
you know the kehoes would pick you over me in a hot second so move back to hawaii and do supervisions instead!
ps- i love that he refers to himself as choobie. classic.
This is too funny! Nathan is obsessed with his puppy too! I don't know if he's had nightmares about crabs biting it's tail, but I am a paranoid freak so we don't watch any scary movies around this house!!!
A trip to VEGAS!!!! OMG- I can't wait! Please do come and I will for sure be here! I would love to hang out with all you girls again- even if it's not in Hawaii- we could pretend. It'll be hotter than hell here, but we can live at the pool and pretend we're on the beach at Waimea!
He's such a loyal friend to his little puppy!
Guess the Milo and Otis hit a little too close to home for him (maybe the other stuff is obviously unreal to him??)?! Does he really call himself "choob"? How funny! You guys are hilarious.
You just never know what will frighten your kid! Rocky can't watch the Curious George movie without crying in fear every time he sees the giant monkey statue, but yeah, adult things don't scare him. We try to avoid violent movies but Rich always plays Halo around him, so why bother? All Rocky wants these days is a gun so he can shoot "bad robots." That's cute that Choobie is so concerned about his puppy! Are you working at a deli?
Hahaha....that was hilarious! Cute cute story. Kids are so funny how they all have their little things. I love it. What a cutie pie.
that's just plain funny.
That's great! It was fun to see you this week. And yes, I am leaving a comment!
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