The Choob wanted to go to Sea World. Luckily my pass doesn't expire until next week. It was so fun. I didn't have people with me or anyplace to be later in the day so I decided to let Choobie do whatever he wanted while we were there. He of course chose to run. For about an hour. No joke. Just back and forth, up and down all over this grassy field. He likes me to be a cheetah or a wumpa (from star wars) and chase him forever. So that's what we did. Until he got tired.

Wild Arctic was next on the list of demands. It was cool as usual but extra cool because ALL THREE polar bears were out and one was rolling around in a pile of real snow.

One of my favorite picutres of Choobie was taken last year at Sea World. He was resting on a curb in front of a flower bed and didn't know we were taking his picutre. It just turned out so sweet. So of course I tried to replicate it. I was all, "Choobie, come sit down on this curb and smile at momma." This is what I got:

Then I got the 'ol Darth Maul face. So much for a sweet picture huh?

Then we were off to play the "dino video game" (Jurassic Park). I hope he never realizes that those things need money to work. He has fun just pretending for now. After shooting several T-Rex's, it was off to the play place for more running.

And lots of Jumping

And Summersalting

Today Choobie learned how to do a summersalt. He saw another little girl doing them and then got down into a "stinkbug" and fell over to the side. It was priceless! He just kept doing them until it was time to go. We both had a blast and came home to nap. Awesome day. Awesome boy.
That sounds so fun- I'm a little jealous. I've been such a lame-o mom lately. Nathan has been watching lots of TV while I lay around feeling like a beached whale.
I have loved catching up on your blog. All these pics of Luke are so cute and I LOVED the post about all your WAP coworkers. You and your nicknaming skills are so funny. I would have felt the same way but Dan is totally right...they hired you so they must have recognized your innate coolness.
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