All naked up and ready to get messy. With no less than two light sabers in hand of course. We decided to let Choob do whatever he wanted to his eggs this year. I hoped to unleash his creativity and expected 3 brown eggs as a result from all the multiple dips and mixing of the colors. Choob had other plans. He chose to dip one egg in each color. Classic OCD Choobie. He ended up with beautiful eggs.

Hard boiled eggs are fun.

Especially when you balance them on the little egg holder.

Such balance and precision as he lowered the first egg into the dye.

Then he switched to the 'ol use your hands and make a mess method.

Beautiful pastel eggs.

I HATE vinegar so we used water in our dye kit and he ended up with really lightly colored eggs.

A proud little boy with his creations. His parents were even prouder.
So adorable!!! I'm impressed you let him dye eggs...Ashley hasn't even done that yet :)
Dye eggs dye! The Choob is a pro! Rocky was concerned about getting his hands colored but the dipper thing worked like a charm. Choobie makes the best picture faces. I love his enthusiasm. What a crafty kid!
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