We didn't tell Choob about the Easter egg hunt. We planned to eat dinner and then explain how to hunt for eggs hidden around Grandmas house. When we arrived, Choobie started spotting eggs immediately and began gathering them up and opening them. We let him find a couple and then attempted to sit down to dinner. He kept seeing eggs from his high chair and pointing them out so he ran around and collected eggs while we ate. And ate. And ate. Choobie loved finding all the eggs and consuming their contents.

He was really into the Egg Hunt this year and got so excited when he found each egg.

He LOVES to carry around his Easter basket over his shoulder like a bag. I think it's the perfect accessory to his lovely Easter outfit.

Dan and his Easter Bag.

My Sweet Boys.

The Loot

Thanks for a great time Grandma & Grandpa!
Love all the Easter posts! That is so funny that Luke got worried about the Easter Bunny breaking and entering..ha! I think I already said that I love his outfit, but I gotta say it again. The aqua is very, very manly.
Cutest outfit ever!
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