Monday, January 10, 2011

[Nov 3] What the Frenulum?

So peaceful right before surgery.  Why am I wearing horizontal stripes again?
We took Lainey to her one week doctor appointment and found out that she was "tongue tied".  Apparently she had a tight Frenulum and needed it "clipped" right away.  

So we took her in for surgery which required no anesthesia and lasted all of about 3 seconds.  

In hindsight it was pretty barbaric.  I held Lainey while the Doc forced open her mouth, jammed a metal spatula type device in there to force her tongue up towards the roof and expose the Frenulum, and then just clipped it like you would a chicken tendon in a bucket of KFC.

After the snip he said, now you can nurse her and left the room.  

Oh really, can I?  I'm sure that's just what a week old baby with a snipped tongue and mouth full of blood wants to do.  Thanks so much!

In the long run things worked out.  

Good news is she healed up fast and will be able to french kiss boys all she wants when she is allowed.  

Bad news is, if she's anything like her father was when he was a teenager, kissing will most likely be forbidden until she turns 47.


Kara said...

That sounds just about as minor as little boys getting circumsized! In Nevada they just do it in the DR's office and I hate it! Dr's are so dumb, they just act like cutting on your child is no big deal! I hope she nurses well for you and things are going better with Luke. I love how you make everything sound so hilarious, like the kissing thing. You crack me up!

Niki said...

One of my nephews had that and it made it hard for him to eat at first. I'm glad she's doing better and your back blogging! I missed you!