Post Sickness Anxiety
Even though Lukey Boy has been feeling better these days, he still refuses to let go of his beloved blankie (which he refers to as his 'naw-naw' pronounced gnaw gnaw) sippy cup, and binky when out in public. At first I thought it was no big deal for him to constantly carry these items around the house with him but now he won't let go of them! We have even let him take them in the tub with him because we are big old weak enablers. Luckily we have 2 naw-naw's so one can hang up to dry out while he sleeps with the other one. The only good thing to come out of this sick spree is that he REFUSES to drink a bottle anymore. He thinks it will make him barf. Kind of sad but also really AWESOME because now I don't have to wean him from his baw-baw. Apparently I just need to wean him from his blankie, binky, and sippy cup. Rad.
Please look at how this meerkat is totally copying my kid. Excuse me?
Good luck with the binky, blankie thing. I haven't had to worry too much about that, but I'm sure it won't be too bad.
I agree, we really need to have a Hawaii Wahine reunion! Maybe when Kersina gets married, I just got an e-mail from her. She is engaged! Oh, and KAHUKU 4 LIFE!!
oh man- seriously- do you guys live at cool theme parks and if so- can i come visit?
Your meerkat comment made me laugh out loud and even makes me smile when I think about it. You are so funny!
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