Friday, February 12, 2010

[Feb 4] The Sharing Bag....Again

Choob got the sharing bag again.

This time he picked out something special to put in it:

A tiger shark of course.

Dan and I LOVE going to see him with the sharing bag. Not only is it special to see our son interact with his teacher and his peers, but it is HILARIOUS to hear what his classmates think is going to be in the bag.

They each get to guess and sure enough EVERY time we come to watch someone guesses "a dancing eyeball!" and the whole class erupts in laughter.

I do too.

A dancing eyeball. Can you even imagine it?



Melissa said...

Awww kids are so fun at that age.

Kara said...

That is hilarious! I would be busting up laughing too. Kids say the funniest things! I love how cute he is and I'm sure you're such a proud Mama!

Sheralie said...

I just have to comment again on his clothes . . . he is the best dressed little boy!

Alisa said...

He is the cutest