Choob's Preschool had a Harvest Fesitval to raise funds for the entire year. I was expecting a little party on the grass but it was like the Del Mar Fair when we arrived. They had a DJ and all kinds of games and jumpers and rides and cake walks and food etc. etc.

Choobie LOVED the jumpers. We couldn't get him out of there.

Nothin like a pixie stick to keep your 3 year old goin strong all night long.

See, I can do sunflare too. (That is my way of telling myself I don't need the two thousand dollar camera that I want.)

Grandma and Grandpa came and we all had a blast well into the night. I volunteered to work at the face painting booth for awhile. I apolgized to the three little boys running around who thought they had a "really awesome spiderman" on their faces when in reality it just looked like they had a "really bad case of scarlet fever." I'm lacking in the artistic category. Alex however, is not. She painted the scarecrow/pumpkin scene in the above picture. Have I mentioned how much we LOVE his preschool?
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