Thursday, August 7, 2008

Do I Seriously Sound Like That?!

Choob has been saying some things lately that have me laughing hysterically while at the same time questioning myself...I don't really sound like that do I ? Here are a few of our recent conversations.

This conversation took place while Luke was in the car (refusing to get in his carseat as usual) naming the things he saw in the back tailgate:

Me: What do you see back there?

Luke: Beach ball, stroller, diaper, (then he said something else inaudible to the human ear)

Me: What did you say?

Luke: (sigh) Never mind momma!

The following conversation took place while Luke was in the drivers seat of the car (refusing to get in his carseat as usual) pushing the hazard lights and reprogramming the stereo:

Me: Okay Choober, it's time to get in your car seat.

Luke: What are you talkin' about momma?

I promise that's how it went down. I know he is totally mimicking how Dan & I talk when we're in the car. I forget sometimes that those little ears of his are ALWAYS tuned in.


Stephanie said...

i know, sometimes i mutter bitter things to ambrose early in the morning... and thomas hears and tases me about it later... i cant be held accoutnable for early morning babble... even if he can understand!

Kara said...

That's so funny! Nathan's repeating everything we say too- I need to be more careful. Hey, guess what? We're coming to So Cal in Sept and want to come see you!! When are you planning on coming to Vegas for the "girl's weekend"? I need to talk to you. I'll e-mail ya.

diana palmer said...

can't wait till he starts using all your abbrevs.