The rest of Week 2: So after having slept for a few measly hours from "US Aiways non-flight extravaganza" we went to Luke's doc appointment and she's all, "oh stop giving him motrin because it will upset his stomach" and we're all, this kid has been taking 4 way stronger medicines since he was 6 weeks old are you sure you want to take him off motrin? and she's all "yeah" so we followed the docters orders.
Week 3: Luke wakes up screaming like he is being stabbed at 3 in the am. Always pleasant. He wouldn't stop screaming and he felt warm but it he was acting normal in the morning. It was Wednesday and my mom watches him on Wednesdays and all I could think about was getting some sleep after our week of barfing in Philadelphia so I sent him to grandmas house. Then Dan calls me and is like, "I think Choobie is sick, you should come get him" so I drive up to grandmas and he WAS sick. Worse than he was in Philly. He was just a limp, listless little rag doll with NO color that would whimper if you touched him or moved him. Considering that our little guy has been a whirlwind of energy and movement (he doesn't even stop moving in his sleep) it was scary to see him like this. So I call the doc and he's all, "you need to take him to childrens ER Right now. I think he has a blocked bowel and it requires emergency surgery so don't let him eat or drink anything." After I pick my jaw up off the floor, doctor goes on to explain that with his GI history and his illness over the last two weeks that his intestines were turning inside out like a tube sock. Awesome. So down to childrens we go, seriously FREAKING out at having to put our kid through surgery again. After five hours in the ER, a rectal exam, several x-rays, it was determined that he had 3 large stools blocking his bowels and that all of his intestines were filled with poo. I was yelling at the doctors saying, "are you sure that poop can make someone this sick?! I just can't believe that poop can make someone this sick. I think it's something else!!!" But they chose to ignore the crazy mother and give him an enema. An hour later nothing happened. So they gave him ANOTHER enema, this one much stronger. About 20 minutes later the 3 tennis ball sized poops came out and then THE MOST poop ever. We just had to keep putting towels under him and switch them out when they were full. There was quite the pile on the floor when we left. So, after him being catatonic all day, when he finished pooping his color came back, he took out his binky and said, "poop poop" Dan & I were busting up. He was tired but started to talk and throw medical supplies on the floor and walk around so we were satisfied that he had been cured and we took him home.
Week 4: His fever never went down from 104 after we left childrens the week before but we kept pumping him with stupid ol tylenol like the doctor said and getting his hair wet and other things to try to cool him down. Then he woke up with the murder screams again this time at 10 in pm and wouldn't stop screaming and writhing around even in our bed. Fever up to 105. So back to childrens ER for the second time. Boo-yaw. This time it was only a 4 hour stay. They dosed him with motrin & tylenol. They said he should've been on motrin all last week and why did we take him off of it. Hmmm. Good job our pediatrician. Then after several doctors came in to look at him and read his charts and have us tell them the whole month long saga of sickness, they colaborated and determined it was an ear infection. Even though he had dozens of doctors and nurses check his ears in the last month. yeah right. I believe it was just an easy way to perscribe anitibiotics. I didn't care though. Finally after a month we got some drugs!
Week5: Fever still not breaking. Hovering at 103/104. Seriously?! Went to the doctors office and she sent us from there BACK to childrens! The 3rd time in 3 weeks. She wanted chest xrays to rule out pnuemonia and a bazillion blood tests to rule out all sorts of scary things like auto immune disease, cancer, etc. You know the pretty common stuff. I'm so sure! Bottom line, she didn't know what was causing the fever, obviously some kind of infection and she wanted to find out what. So, got the call at 6:30 in the pm that night with the test results. Thank God the white blood cell counts came back in normal range & their distribution was normal as well. That's all I wanted to hear, "no cancer". But the other news was that despite all the tests they ran on his blood, they were only able to determine that he had an infection. They couldn't tell us what was causing the infection nor it's location in his little body. So, we just had to keep pumping him full of antibiotics and wait it out. By the end of the week his fever was in the low hundreds and he was running around like a wild man again tearing the house apart. After 5 weeks of sickness we were SO happy to have our little boy back again. Heavy Duty Antibiotics rule.
It breaks my heart how sick the little guy gets...however Lane couldnt stop talking about what a stud your son is...I was so jealous that he got to spend time with you guys...I love San Diego so Im gonna convince Lane to take me on vacation there this summer...and I knew he would just love the mexican food from there, he thought I was full of it!
Mountainlike piles of poo, fevers that last forever, and a barf fest that might just give me nightmares. You guys have exhasted all adventures of the disfunctioning body variety. I can't believe everything that you guys have been through in the last month. Sheesh!
What a nightmare Jamie! I can't believe what you guys have been through in the past two months! Did they ever figure out what was causing the infection? So, Luke has had surgery and some GI problems? I guess I need to e-mail you, cause I have all these questions and so much to catch up with you on. I will get to it soon. If you want my e-mail is:
I will e-mail you back, very soon!
that was the saddest thing ever! my worst nightmare actually. poor prigmores- seriously- you guys deserve a restful vacation.
Hey guys..its Shelly Brown (Collins)....I am so sad to hear about your little Luke being so sick for sooo long!! I cant believe all that you have been through. Hope things are going better for you and luke!! I also was talking to Jeff and he said that he thought you lived in Carlsbad? I just live in Oceanside. Just thought I would say hi, since we haven't talked in years. Luke is so dang cute!!
Hey guys..its Shelly Brown (Collins)....I am so sad to hear about your little Luke being so sick for sooo long!! I cant believe all that you have been through. Hope things are going better for you and luke!! I also was talking to Jeff and he said that he thought you lived in Carlsbad? I just live in Oceanside. Just thought I would say hi, since we haven't talked in years. Luke is so dang cute!!
Wow. That ordeal sounds terrible. I can't believe it lasted that long! We miss you guys...we're going to try and make it to Tyson's wedding so hopefully we'll see you then!
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