Thursday, March 24, 2011

[Nov 5] Lainey's First Play Date

My dear friend Stacy had her beautiful baby two days before I had mine.  It was awesome because I could whine to her while we were in similar stages of pregnancy, whine to her about labor & recovery and whine to her all about sleep deprivation and she TOTALLY got it because she was going through the same thing.  Love her!
 Already showing her midriff.  Wonder where she got that from?

Look closely at her 2nd toe.....Curly toe strikes again.

I hope these two grow up to be great friends just like their mothers.

1 comment:

The Roy Family said...

So we need to take new pictures now that they're oler and cuter. ;)

Love that not only were we prego together, but now we have PT, mastitis, and other lame aches and pains together.

Loved hanging out at the park this week. Lets do it again next week.