Tuesday, October 27, 2009

For Grandpa

"Misty Moisty Morning"

When Choobie was little my dad would always sing him this song when they would walk to the mailbox. Choobie finally learned it. It is the cutest thing ever to hear him sing it with his sweet little voice.


Kara said...

That is the cutest thing! He has the sweetest little voice in the world! I bet that just melts your dad's heart!

Melissa said...

His voice is so adorable!

Jodi said...

That seriously IS the cutest thing ever! It shows how cute his Grandpa is too to sing him that song. My kids need a singing Grandpa. Will you teach Choobie more songs and post them? We could all use more of his melodic cuteness to brighten our day!

snbjork said...

How adorable! I am impressed with how clearly he sings all the words! And there are some big words in that song. I think Grandpa did a great job teaching him! =)