Sunday, August 16, 2009

[July 9] Goodbye Moose Tail

I finally made a hair appointment. Moose tail removal was desperately needed. Contrary to popular belief, I was not trying to get in the Guiness Book of World records. I've been working a ton so my hair is always up and I just never realized how long this tail of mine had grown. Side profile just to show the beak- moose tail combo.

After a cut and a good dye job. It's all greasy and curly because she put a hair mask on it and was trying to sell me a $200 curling iron. I had my stylist take off 12 inches so I could donate it. It makes me happy to think that the moose tail will live on in wig form.


doug and becky said...

I love it! But I love the moose tail too. Someone is going to be really lucky with your 12 inches. And I can't wait to see you in 2 weeks.

Stephanie said...

i want to do that someday too and as i walked around waiamea this week with the boys- i though lovingly about moose tail since we discussed her there. glad she's goin to a good home though. :)

Julie W said...

i didn't even notice your hair was shorter! Prob because it is always up, like you said. But I did notice your color and you look good!

Sheralie said...

Looks lovely. Somehow it is easy for a mom to take care of everyone else first . . . I think I need a haircut too :)

snbjork said...

Your hair is so gorgeous, no matter what you do with it. Someone will be lucky to get that wig! =)

Kara said...

I can't believe you cut off 12 inches and you still have that much left! You had a ton! It looks really cute, and I'm sure you'll never do it like that again! Hope you're having a good summer. I want to come see you again sometime and go to the zoo or something this year. We'll have to see.

Jodi said...

Farewell moose-tail friend! I enjoyed your last public appearance in the condor flight video. You will be missed. You are one hot mama though! Who does your hair? Would she/he be willing to commute to Chico, CA?? Sewer blonde nest could use some work. I love that we have nicknames for our hair. Rich's pumpkin-cut mop top says hello!

Plasticmath said...

OMG! You have so much hair! It looks so good. Good job being charitable!